奶茶妹妹章泽天入职微软邮件曝光4月6日消息,微软内部匿名邮件外泄,其中称网络红人奶茶妹妹章泽天,已于4月1日正式加入微软Bing搜索技术中心市场团队实习。内部匿名邮件还显示,章泽天本次实习将持续至今年11月,实习期间将主要涉及C*、Social A*、必应搜索和微软商店项目
内部匿名邮件还显示,章泽天本次实习将持续至今年11月,实习期间将主要涉及C*、Social A*、必应搜索和微软商店项目。同时邮件中也附上了奶茶的近照一张。
3月21日,在北大的未名站的一则招聘启事中,已经将奶茶MM章泽天即将出现在微软实习做了剧透,当时称是STC-SearchAdsTeam,去市场部实习。也有消息说奶茶妹妹是走公关的路线。本次的邮件证实了这一传闻,但并非是去的SearchAdsTeam,而是STC MKT team。
Welcome Zetian Zhang to STC MKT team
Hi All,
I would like to introduce and welcome STC’s first brand intern Zetian Zhang(章泽天) to STC and Microsoft. Actually,our intern has already started her work since yesterday and will last till November (through Lync Meeting. On-site after she finish the study in US). I didn’t send out this email because yesterday is April 1. J During her internship, Zetian will be attending to C*,Social A*, Bing Search and Microsoft Store projects. In the meantime, as an experienced young opinion leader of the new generation around China and over seas, I believe she will bring more fresh senses and creative ideas to ourteams. I would like to say thanks to our HR team as well.
In Zetian’sown words:
My Chinese name is 章泽天. I am a junior at Tsinghua University currently studying abroad as an exchange student at Columbia University. That being said, I realize my absence may have been inconvenient. I apologize for any inconveniences and will make sure to meet with all of you in person upon my return home. I am extremely honored to be given this opportunity to work with Microsoft. I am excited to be a part of one of the world’s most valuable companies.
The booming Internet industry is posing a huge challenge to Microsoft. That’s why our STCA Brand Marketing team, in particular, is essential-in spreading awareness of Microsoft’s current state. Though I don’t have much experience, I am ready to take on this challenge and study harder to catch up with you. Adventure awaits, let’s get started!
标签: 奶茶 MM 微软 入职 邮件 曝光 加入 Bing 团队