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  • AWE2025探展神器:hohem浩瀚AI稳定器引领智能影像新时代



    手机互联 2025-03-23 23:37:09
  • Pixel Launcher迎来重大更新:安卓16 Beta 3曝光自定义图标形状功能

    Pixel Launcher迎来重大更新:安卓16 Beta 3曝光自定义图标形状功能

    Pixel Launcher迎来重大更新:安卓16 Beta 3曝光自定义图标形状功能科技媒体AndroidAuthority今日(3月15日)爆料,谷歌计划为Pixel手机原生启动器Pixel Launcher带来一项备受期待的功能更新——自定义主屏幕图标形状。这一功能目前隐藏在安卓16 Beta 3的更新代码中,但已被AndroidAuthority成功激活并验证,这意味着Pixel用户期待已久的图标个性化定制选项终于要来了...

    手机互联 2025-03-16 13:42:25
  • 《三星Health应用即将更新:助力用户应对夏令时,提升睡眠质量》


    《三星Health应用即将更新:助力用户应对夏令时,提升睡眠质量》三星公司为迎接即将到来的世界睡眠日(3月14日)和夏令时(3月30日),宣布将于本月为OneUI 7用户更新Samsung Health应用。此次更新旨在帮助用户更好地理解和改善睡眠质量,应对夏令时可能带来的负面影响...

    手机互联 2025-03-06 12:00:45
  • 摩托罗拉Android 15更新引发Launcher崩溃及其他问题:修复补丁带来新挑战

    摩托罗拉Android 15更新引发Launcher崩溃及其他问题:修复补丁带来新挑战

    摩托罗拉Android 15更新引发Launcher崩溃及其他问题:修复补丁带来新挑战2024年2月14日,科技媒体Android Authority报道称,摩托罗拉近期推送的Android 15系统更新引发了诸多问题,部分机型出现启动器(Launcher)崩溃等严重故障,给用户带来了极大的困扰。这一事件突显了摩托罗拉在软件更新和质量控制方面面临的挑战...

    手机互联 2025-02-14 13:08:21
  • Android 17: The End of App Orientation Restrictions and a New Era for Large-Screen Experiences

    Android 17: The End of App Orientation Restrictions and a New Era for Large-Screen Experiences

    Android 17: The End of App Orientation Restrictions and a New Era for Large-Screen Experiences谷歌自Android 3.0(Honeycomb)时代就计划为平板电脑引入多列应用布局,但这一目标长期未能实现。 许多应用至今仍未针对大屏幕设备,例如可折叠手机和平板电脑进行优化,导致用户体验不佳...

    手机互联 2025-01-28 15:08:00
  • iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four Years

    iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four Years

    iOS 18 Adoption Rate Mirrors iOS 17: Apple Reports 76% Uptake on iPhones Released in the Past Four YearsApple has finally released adoption rate statistics for iOS 18, marking the first time the company has shared such data since the operating system's launch last September. The numbers reveal a consistent level of user adoption compared to its predecessor, iOS 17...

    手机互联 2025-01-25 05:35:17
  • iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked Features

    iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked Features

    iPhone SE (4th Generation): A Peek at the Potential “iPhone 16E” and its Leaked FeaturesRumors surrounding the launch of a new iPhone SE this year have intensified, potentially gaining credence from a recent leak by renowned tipster Evan Blass. Blass shared an image on a private social media platform, seemingly depicting source code that references an "iPhone SE (4th generation)...

    手机互联 2025-01-21 03:57:52
  • 佳能推出免费直播应用LiveSwitcherMobile:多机位切换、自定义界面,提升直播体验



    手机互联 2025-01-20 23:41:46
  • 三星发布《Over the Horizon》2025年版:大乐队爵士乐演绎充满希望的未来

    三星发布《Over the Horizon》2025年版:大乐队爵士乐演绎充满希望的未来

    三星发布《Over the Horizon》2025年版:大乐队爵士乐演绎充满希望的未来三星电子今日发布了其标志性品牌铃声《Over the Horizon》2025年全新版本。不同于以往,2025年版采用充满活力的全新大乐队爵士乐演奏形式,为用户呈现一段充满希望的未来图景...

    手机互联 2025-01-17 16:52:32
  • 三星Galaxy S25 Slim:超薄旗舰曝光,OneUI 7固件现身CheckFirm服务器

    三星Galaxy S25 Slim:超薄旗舰曝光,OneUI 7固件现身CheckFirm服务器

    三星Galaxy S25 Slim:超薄旗舰曝光,OneUI 7固件现身CheckFirm服务器今天,关于三星备受期待的超薄旗舰手机Galaxy S25 Slim的更多信息浮出水面。消息人士@tarunvats33于1月17日在X平台发布推文,爆料称在CheckFirm服务器上发现了该手机的首个OneUI 7固件...

    手机互联 2025-01-17 13:39:40
  • Tether预计2024年净利润将超过100亿美元,积极布局人工智能等领域


    Tether预计2024年净利润将超过100亿美元,积极布局人工智能等领域彭博社报道称,全球最大的稳定币发行商Tether Holdings Ltd.预计2024年将实现超过100亿美元的净利润。这一预测基于Tether今年强劲的业绩表现以及其积极的投资策略...

    区块链 2024-12-21 20:19:05
  • Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global Fund

    Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global Fund

    Apple 2024 World AIDS Day Campaign: A $3 Million Pledge to the Global FundApple is once again demonstrating its commitment to the fight against AIDS with a significant donation campaign coinciding with World AIDS Day on December 1st. This year’s initiative represents a substantial escalation of Apple's longstanding partnership with the Global Fund, a crucial organization combating AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria worldwide...

    手机互联 2024-11-27 21:44:34



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