International Logistics,Transportation Exhibition,CILF,SCM,China,Asia
We are leading logistics and transport expo in Asia. We are expert to provide reliable and professional services for trade show, logistics, transport, expo and CILF industries in China....
智付 | 您的支付服务专家
智付官网是智付电子支付有限公司唯一官方网站,创建于2009年12月28日,最近更新时间为2016年12月17日。智付建站的初衷是为第三方支付平台用户提供在线服务和相关的技术支持,常见问题的解答,坚持以客户为中心,与商家共成长的。同时,针对目前第三方支付平台没有权威的专业知识分享平台的硬伤,智付在未来计划提供各类行业知识和解决方案,共同推动第三方支付行业的发展。 智付电子支付有限公司(Dinpay)成立于2007年,是中国领先的独立第三方支付品牌,隶属于智付科技集团,注册资本10111万元,总部位于深圳,并在厦门,重庆,武汉,南京,济南,长沙,郑州等地设有分公司,在香港,马来西亚,美国,欧洲,大洋洲等地设立办事机构。2012年获得中国人民银行颁发《支付业务许可证》,2015年获得外管局跨境外汇结算业务试点资格,是全国27家有跨境支付资质的金融机构之一。智付拥有一支两百人规模的专业技术研发团队,于2012年12月顺利通过PCI认证,同时在支付和电子商务行业取得高新技术企业认定等18项软件著作权和9项自主商标,具备较强的系统研发能力。...
Die casting company
We are ISO9001 certified die casting company. We have 30 years of experience in die casting and die casting mold. Contact our agent today at 86-574-86118903...
golfscape - 高尔夫在线预定
Steel pipe manufacturers,East Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.
East Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. - steel pipe suppliers(piping|tube),spiral steel pipe|fire sprinkler pipe|couplings|ERW steel pipe|black steel pipes|steel conduit....
Alilang, Fashion Costume Jewelry & Accessories Store
Alilang : - Clothing Accessories Jewelry Swarovski Crystal Jewelry Necklaces and Pendants Earrings Pin Brooch iPhone Cases - Swarovski Crystal Hair Accessories KeyChains - Rhinestones, Enamel Ring Bracelets, Cuffs and Bangles Jewelry Trinket Box Turquoise Jewelry - Vintage Stainless Steel Pendant Pearl Necklaces 2 1 Scarf 4 3 ecommerce, open source, shop, online shopping...
China Rack
Shopping China: Nanjing Dongjian Racking Manufacturing Co., Ltd wholesale pallet, racking, shelves, storage containers and wire fencing by lean manufacturing....
Introduce your business to the world through website
We are a Software Solutions Company involved primarily in the area of customized e-Business Solution, Business Promotion and Online Advertisement for industries at large and their constituents in particular. Websquare Technologies is a proven brand name that is customer centric, is focused on long term stability, and has a leadership team of experienced web professionals....