MBA智库百科是一部内容开放的在线百科全书,也是人人可以参与编写的百科全书。其目标是专注于经济管理领域知识的创建与分享。MBA智库百科的内容可以被复制,修改和再发布,只要同样遵循我们的许可,并且注明来自于MBA智库百科及引用条目的相关链接(范例)。MBA智库百科上的文章以此来始终保持自由。希望MBA智库百科能为您提供有用的帮助,并欢迎您把MBA智库百科介绍给其他朋友。 ...
China Daily Website - Connecting China Connecting the World
Chinadaily.com.cn is the largest English portal in China, providing news, business information, BBS, learning materials. The Website has channels as China, BizChina, World, Opinion, Sports/Olympics, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Culture, Citylife, Photo, Forum and Weather....
VOA Special English - 英语学习频道
VOA Special English is a simplified English language used by Voice of America in daily broadcast. The news is read slowly and using a limited wordlist of about 1500 words.VOA Special English 英语节目,由美国本土资深播音员,用清晰精准的发音,简化的词汇和语法,播报世界新闻,讲述美国人文,地理,文学,历史等专题知识。是深受全世界英语爱好者欢迎的学习美国英语,了解美国文化的经典纯正英语节目。...
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Download free antivirus protection - Avira AntiVir Personal official website....
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Download avast! antivirus software a complete virus protection with anti-spyware technology offering full desktop security including a resident shield. It is available as a free trial for 60 days. Daily automatic updates ensure continuous data protection against all types of malware and spyware....
Symantec - AntiVirus, Anti-Spyware, Endpoint Security, Backup, Storage Solutions
Norton AntiVirus, Internet security, and anti-spyware products for the home. Solutions to manage IT risk and maximize IT performance for business. Download free product trials of our fast, high-performing software....
本公司根植于名茶铁观音原产地——安溪,是一家集铁观音种植、精制、贸易为一体的股份制茶叶企业。 持以质取胜的经营理念,实施“优质、精品、名牌”战略,生产“津馨牌”系列产品,色、香、味俱佳,质量稳定,已通过“QS”认证。...
安徽省合肥工业大学,HeFei University of Technology,教育部直属的全国重点大学,国家211工程重点建设高校...